Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Happy Birthday to Me!

You may be thinking, "you're still talking about your birthday after a whole month?" Yes, and I feel totally justified in writing this post so late since yesterday I received one last darling birthday present. Love birthday months!

My 24th birthday began as I woke up to the following on my computer screen:

I can literally think of no better way to start a day than with the Killers. I love them. Josh loves them. This was a win-win birthday present for us both. More on the concert later. Right now is all about my birthday.

Josh slaved away all morning to produce the most beautiful breakfast I have ever seen/tasted. I realize I am shamelessly bragging about my husband and for that I do not apologize. He's awesome.

Yes, that is Brie-stuffed French toast. Yes, he cooks more than I do.
Later that day, friends in Ithaca took me out to lunch, friends far away showered me with love and birthday wishes, my mother sent flowers, and I received a call that changed my life.

My friend Brooke (one of my ALL-TIME favorite people), really takes the cake, as it were, for the most hilarious/shocking birthday message. Apparently, you can pay a small fee to have a man with an Indian accent call your friends on their birthdays and sing them a festive birthday song. Mind you, this song is not the familiar "happy birthday to you" jingle, but more of an original rap song. I promise to post the recording if ever possible, although you may not be able to hear anything but my laughter.

As you might imagine, my birthday evening consisted of Josh taking me out to one of our favorite restaurants here, but I had yet another surprise awaiting me. As if my day could have gotten any better.

After dinner, a bunch of the coolest girls I know got together to surprise me for a night of chatting and desserts.

Eliza isn't pictured (neither is Sara), but she is the one responsible for this wonderful surprise!
Ithaca is great, but look at these girls; they are amazing. This weird upstate college town would not be half as fun without their friendship and bright shiny smiles. And my birthday would have had decidedly less desserts.

I think it is safe to say that this was one of my best birthdays ever. I'll try not to be disappointed when everyone forgets my birthday next year.

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